this is my blog page, you can delve into any topic from here!

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Salesforce #MyThoughts Icon

Salesforce #MyThoughts

Anything Salesforce related that doesn't fit for my other blogs.

Trailhead Accepted Answers Hightlights Icon

Trailhead Accepted Answers Highlights

I answer questions on Trailhead to help other Salesforce professionals to solve their problems. If I like one of my answers and think it's going to add value if more people see it, I write and share it. I also share other salesforce professionals' answers if I like them as well.

Salesforce Advanced Best Practices Icon

Salesforce Advanced Best Practices

If you purchase one of my Salesforce services for professionals, I will add you to my special newsletter where I regularly email advanced Salesforce best practices. I don't have a blog for this.

Salesforce Best Practices Icon

Salesforce Best Practices

I write about Salesforce best practices that I know or I came accross and think that it will add more value if more people see it.

Main topics are APEX, Flows, Validation Rules, Data Modelling.

My Salesforce Journey Icon

My Salesforce Journey

This newsletter

LinkedIn is LinkedIn Icon

LinkedIn is LinkedIn

I see too many nonsense LinkedIn posts. If I have a website where I don't critize them, the website wouldn't be whole. If you want to read some roasts, please enjoy it.