transform your business with expert salesforce solutions

Salesforce Org Implementation Icon

Salesforce Org Implementation

Receive expert guidance as you set up and launch your new Salesforce org, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation. I'll provide personalized support tailored to your organization's specific needs.

Read more about the importance of the first consultant/freelancer to implement Salesforce org on my blog.

Org Performance Enhancement Icon

Org Performance Enhancement

Enhance your Salesforce org's performance by identifying and resolving technical debt, improving system efficiency and reliability. I'll work to identify areas of inefficiency and streamline processes, ensuring your org operates at its best.

Read more about why consultancies are inherently prone to cause tech debt on my blog.

Recruitment Services Icon

Recruitment Services

Ensure you hire top-tier Salesforce professionals with my presence.

Read more about how the first employee shapes team culture on my blog.

frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Question Icon

Why should we choose you instead of a consultancy?

Consultancies tend to be under a lot of stress and urgency to put in more billable hours. Their mentality is often to get the work done as soon as possible. I have high standards for my own work, which means that I will not rush our project and will pay close attention to implementing it with maintainability and scalability in mind, thereby increasing the outcomes from our Salesforce org.

My SLA for responding to messages is one hour. As an individual freelancer, I handpick my clients to ensure I can give them more time and attention.

Frequently Asked Question Icon

What is Salesforce org implementation, and why do I need it?

Every organization is unique, and one solution doesn't fit all. My first discovery meeting is aimed at understanding your organizational needs, requirements, and, most importantly, your expectations from the Salesforce implementation.

Many consultancies use terms such as "customer experience" and have discussions around it. I am a firm believer in numbers and follow a data-driven approach in my implementations. If your processes are well-defined and users can work efficiently with your Salesforce org to support customers in their journey, you don't need to worry about "experience." If processes are efficient and accurate, the numbers will reflect it. When the numbers show positive results, customers will be happy, and so will you.

Frequently Asked Question Icon

How do you identify and address technical debt within a Salesforce org?

Tech debt isn't something that likes to hide. Once it's there, it will make itself visible day by day. It can manifest as an increase in error emails from Salesforce, deployments becoming a nightmare, data integrity issues, bad data, users complaining that Salesforce is slow or too complex to use and understand, or even data leakage. All of these signs are the result of tech debt.

Each scenario and org is different, so addressing them is unique for each organization. I'll write more about tech debt-related issues in my blog in the upcoming days.

Frequently Asked Question Icon

How do you ensure the reliability and efficiency of our Salesforce org after implementation?

I produce high-quality, well-thought-out, maintainable, and scalable solutions. Most Salesforce orgs tend to fail within a year or two because few consider future requirements. What happens is that you end up with a system where a bunch of processes each do one small thing and constantly overlap with each other. We call this phenomenon "spaghetti" in developer terminology.

Yes, you need to be efficient with your Salesforce implementation, but you also need to have high quality at the same time. Luckily, I provide both.

Frequently Asked Question Icon

How do you ensure that the candidates you recommend are top-tier professionals?

I'm a top-tier Salesforce professional. I know what questions to ask and the correct answers to knowledge-based questions. For scenario-based questions, there are no right answers, but rather a conversation between the interviewer and interviewee.

I've conducted many interviews for Salesforce architect, developer, and admin roles. The success rate is higher when we review the questions and desired answers prior to the interviews. Schedule a time with me to discuss any further details!